Ottawa Community Land Trust


Ottawa, Ontario
2024 - ongoing
The Architecture Action Lab is involved in an ongoing collaboration with the Ottawa Community Land Trust (OCLT) to investigate how community land trusts (CLT) should evolve in Ottawa to best respond to the city's housing and community needs. This collaboration involves community engagement, research on CLT models and precedents, and community-specific investigations on tenants' housing issues, demands and visions for their future.
OCLT is a young non-profit organization founded by Ottawa's non-profit housing sector. OCLT is working on acquiring existing affordable housing and maintaining its affordability under the non-profit CLT structure. The main aim of the Action Lab's collaboration with them is to ground any CLT efforts in deeper notions of 'community' and 'community-making'. This collaboration brings together the networks and resources of OCLT with the Action Lab's experience in community engagement and architecture that responds to the actual needs of communities. Currently, this collaboration is engaging the Overbrook community in Ottawa and the project will expand to other racialized and marginalized communities facing urgent housing struggles.

Contact Us


Room 208, Architecture Building Carleton University
1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON K1S 2Z2
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